How to Lace a Corset: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide
  • Behind the Scenes

Mastering the art of lacing a corset may seem challenging, but by following these simple corset-lacing tips, you’ll be able to achieve a beautifully fitted corset and create the hourglass shape you desire.


Step One: Begin Lacing at the Top
Start by holding each end of the lace and threading it through the topmost pair of eyelets from the outside in. This initial threading is essential for creating a strong foundation. Then, begin weaving the laces in a criss-cross pattern down the length of the corset. As you lace, keep around 2-3 inches of space between the two back panels of the corset.

Step Two: Form the Waist Loops
About halfway down the eyelets – usually in line with the waist tape inside the corset – create large loops in the laces. These loops will serve as anchor points for adjusting the corset’s tightness at the waist. Once you’ve created the loops, continue the criss-cross pattern toward the bottom of the corset, lacing all the way down to the hem.

Step Three: Secure the Ends and Loosen for Fitting
Tie a simple knot at the end of the laces to prevent them from slipping out of the eyelets. Loosen the lacing along the back enough to allow you to comfortably put on the corset. Once it’s on, begin tightening the laces by pulling the loops at the waist, distributing the tension evenly by working out slack from above and below the loops.

Step Four: Final Adjustments and Securing the Laces
When the corset feels comfortably snug and fits well, bring the ends of the laces back to the waist. Tie off the excess securely in a bow.

Finally, take a moment to admire the beautiful silhouette you’ve achieved in your Vollers Corset!

If any of the terms above are unfamiliar, don’t worry. We’ve put together a glossary of all corset-related words. Feel free to check it out for more details.

Need more help? If you have any questions or would like further guidance, feel free to reach out to us at: hello@vollers-corsets.co.uk.

We’re here to help you look and feel fabulous – feel free to tag us @vollers.corsets on Instagram and share your own corset tying photos!

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